Acupuncture helps restore a state of balance to in the body. Overexertion, trauma, overindulgence, pathogens, etc. all cause disturbance in the “normal” functioning of the body. When there are not enough resources to process an insult to the body, stressors can lodge in a physical location, meridian pathway, or organ system. Gentle stimulation of acupuncture points helps move what is stuck, nourish what is deficient, reduce what is excess, and bring more overall health and balance to the body.
Your appointment will start with a consult about your current symptoms. Pulse and tongue examination and other necessary physical examinations for range of motion will be performed. Once you are settled on the table, some combination of acupuncture, cupping, tuina, and/or estim will occur. The modalities chosen and the acupuncture points used will depend on your situation. Every treatment will be unique and tailored to your current experience.
Injured? Or Feeling like something is “a little off”? It probably is! Acupuncture can be used to accomplish a variety of goals depending on your complaint. It can treat a conditions ranging from digestion, energy, sleep, and hormonal changes to mental emotional complaints and pain. Acupuncture is a researched, effective treatment modality for regular, preventative care; it can also be used to alleviate acute and chronic conditions