
Acute and Chronic Pain

Although pain is not often the root cause of many conditions it is a symptom that can drastically alter your experience of life. Pain affects your ability to participate in the activities you enjoy and with the people you love. Treatments such as acupuncture, cupping, and craniosacral can reduce symptoms by providing:


  • Pain relief
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Overall softening of muscles and restricted tissue
  • Increased blood and lymph circulation
  • Improvements in mood and quality of life

Trauma and Transitions

The value of navigating through changes with consciousness and support can not be understated. When there is not a system in place to process challenging experiences as you move through them, emotions and patterning can get lodged in the body and mind that prevent your full participation in life. Types of trauma and transitions we commonly work with include


  • Divorce, separation, and other changes in family structure
  • Mid life evaluation
  • Grief from loss
  • Chronic illness diagnosis and support
  • Shifts in employment
  • Addiction recovery

Women’s Health

Making space to acknowledge the unique experiences and challenges that you face as a woman can help you feel women can feel more confident and empowered in your life.By embracing the natural cycles of the female body, including menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause you can gain a deeper understanding of your body and their health, as well as feel more connected to their femininity. This understanding can help you make more informed choices about your health, including diet, exercise, and self-care through the various phases of your life. Women’s wellness treatments include specialized care for:

  • Menopause
  • PMS and menstrual irregularities
  • Fertility/infertility
  • Pregnancy and motherhood
  • Sexual identity
  • Self love and self perception

Habit Change and Accountability

Working with accountability and habit change is a fundamental component of the path to health. This kind of work requires an intake based in objective, honest self evaluation of current state and goal identification. We will utilize with tiny habits, habit stacking, and the psychology of change to set you up for support and success. Common focus areas for this type of work include:


  • Diet
  • Exercise/fitness
  • Meditation
  • Focus/responsibility
  • Time and task management

Digestive Health

Working with digestive health is essential for nutrient absorption, immune system function, mental health, energy levels, and disease prevention. In essence we specialize in digestive health because it is an important focus for everyone and it can significantly impact quality of life. Treatment may be valuable for you if you experience:

  • Gas/bloating
  • Constipation/diarrhea/loose stools
  • Inflammation
  • Blood sugar issues
  • Slow metabolism/trouble losing weight
  • Skin issues
  • Weak immune system
  • Low energy